
Insect Bites or Something Else?

January 05, 20254 min read

Insect Bites or Something Else?

Pest control companies frequently receive reports of bites, often traced to infestations like fleas, bedbugs, or bird lice. However, when the cause is unclear, further investigation may be needed.

While pest treatment is expected to stop the sensation of bites, unidentified sources can persist, sometimes requiring medical advice. Reactions to bites vary widely; some people show no symptoms, while others experience swelling, itching, color changes, or fluid discharge making it difficult to pinpoint the exact cause based on symptoms alone.

Possible Reasons Why You Feel Itchy or Have Been Bitten by an Insect

  • Insects and other animals (the seen and the unseen)

  • Physical irritants

  • Chemical allergens

  • Sympathetic reactions

  • Psychological reactions (disease-related or drug-induced)

Invisible Insects & Related Animals

Bed Bugs : These little critters are most active just before dawn. If you think they might be sharing your bed,look for tiny blood spots on your sheets. It’s a good idea to give your room a thorough check, especially around the bed and any dark corners.

Caterpillar Hairs:  Did you know caterpillars leave behind tiny bristles that can sting? If you brush up against these, it might sting a bit. They use these hairs as a defense mechanism, so watch out for them around areas caterpillars frequent.

Lice :Whether it’s on your head, body, or more private areas, lice can be quite the itch-fest. Remember, lice are more of a medical issue than a pest control one, so it’s best to consult a healthcare provider for treatment options.

Booklice :These guys don’t bite but can irritate your skin. Keeping the humidity low and airing out rooms can help keep them at bay. Sprinkling some talcum powder might also do the trick by drying out the moist areas they love.

Midges : bites can be super itchy and quite a nuisance, especially if you react badly to them. Thankfully, they're not known to spread any diseases.

Bird Mites :If you've had birds nesting nearby, their mites might decide you’re the next best thing once the birds leave. Removing ant nests and treating the area can help bid them farewell.

Scabies Mites : These tiny pests burrow into your skin, which can be really itchy. Seeing a doctor for treatment is the way to go if you suspect scabies.

Dust Mites : While these mites don't bite, they can cause allergic reactions, potentially worsening asthma. If you’re concerned about allergies, it might be worth getting tested.

Thrips:  These little insects can bite when they're disturbed, like when you're handling laundry that was hanging outside. Their bites can be irritating but are mostly harmless.

Physical Irritants

Sometimes, it’s not a critter but things like synthetic fibers or plant material that irritate our skin, especially in hot conditions like a shower.

Heat Rash: Familiar with those itchy, prickly rashes during hot nights or after layering too many clothes? Yep, that's a heat rash. Keeping cool and dressing appropriately can help manage this.

Static Electricity :Ever got a shock after walking on carpet and touching someone? That’s static for you! It can sometimes make your skin feel like you’ve been bitten.

Chemical Allergens :Things like medications, certain foods, or even household cleaners can cause reactions that feel like insect bites. It’s important to identify what’s bothering you so you can steer clear.

Medical conditions: like ringworm or athlete’s foot can mimic the itching and rashes from insect bites. Sometimes, even certain medications can make you feel like bugs are crawling over you.

Lastly, ever heard of a sympathetic reaction? It’s pretty funny just to start talking about itchiness, and watch everyone around start scratching!

Conditions These medical

Some of these many diseases lead a person more inclined to think they are being bitten by an insect instead.

A victim of human parasite infestations like ringworm, hookworm or even athlete’s foot may also suffer itches and rashes similar to an insect bite.

Certain prescription as well as illegal drugs will also induce the belief that bugs are crawling on oneself, biting in one's skin and burrowing.

Sympathetic Reaction

Sometimes when someone is listening to another person scratching all over or telling of his itches, they themselves start to feel itchy. There is a simple test that shows how this works. Why not give it a shot? All you have to do is say your school has a case of head lice or has been bitten, scratched in front of others and the message from the listeners will be returned that THEY feel itchy too!

Acme Termite Treatment Ellenbrook offers all pest control services in Ellenbrook and surroundings. Feel free to contact us at (08) 6186 7473 or visit our website:

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