
The Health Risks Associated with Bedbugs

January 18, 20251 min read

The Health Risks Associated with Bedbugs

Hey there! Did you know that bedbugs don’t spread diseases, though? Here’s a brief summary of how they can impact us:

Bites: These small creatures suck our blood, they can give us itchy, red and sometimes swelling in our skin. For some of us, these bites may lead to allergic reactions, which can be quite uncomfortable.

Nosocomial Potential: The pressure from the hospital bedbugs was more of a psychological impact than a nosocomial potential. It’s normal to be anxious or sleepless, and for some the impact is significant on mental health.

Secondary Infections: If you catch yourself scratching those itchy bites, be cautious! It’s easy to break the skin, which can result in infections that may require a doctor’s help.

Pocket Pinch: So can exterminating bedbugs. The cost between professional extermination and potentially needing to throw away some furniture and bedding can be costly, which can be hard, mainly if living in a tight budget.

While bedbugs are not generally a significant health risk, they can certainly impact our comfort and sense of well-being. If you think you have a bedbug situation, it’s probably best to address it quickly to stay in control of the situation. Stay comfy and take care!

Acme Termite Treatment Ellenbrook offers all pest control services in Ellenbrook and surroundings. Feel free to contact us at (08) 6186 7473 or visit our website:

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